You can ask other experienced mothers about your pregnancy and your baby's questions and get immediate answers.
What you step into the pregnancy is an application that you can use for as long as you grow your baby.
- You can get immediate answers to your questions about your baby and your pregnancy.
- You can get your week's developments in the week about your pregnancy as a notification to your phone.
- You can ask questions to mothers, pregnant mothers, mothers in the same city where you live, and you can share status and photos.
- You can follow the moments, pregnancies you share with, share useful content or want to follow, you can be informed immediately about sharing. You can stop following it at any time.
- Mothers in the same period as you can ask questions, share your feelings, you can follow your pregnancy calendar.
- You can get answers from your experienced mothers about your menstrual period, menstrual cycle, questions about your pregnancy period.
- Your application can only be logged in with your facebook account.
We would like you to have a more comfortable and more enjoyable motherhood period with the application that each mother would like to use.
Dear mother and mother candidates, questions about our application, problems, opinions or suggestions you can mail to You can contact us at facebook.